Sunday, February 8, 2015

Secret Shopper

I had a very positive experience as a Secret Shopper. I told the (very friendly and positive) librarian that I had read Gillian Flynn's Sharp Objects and Gone Girl and really enjoyed both of them. I also told her that in general I really liked dark, twisted reads and was open to any authors, I just wanted a similar tone. The librarian asked me about whether I wanted to base our search on those book titles, or on Gillian Flynn as an author. Having read all Flynn titles, I told her that I was interested in looking at related reads to Flynn as an author. She then asked me if I had read any Jodi Picoult books, and when I explained that I had but had never been very impressed with her works she said no problem, and at this point, she pulled up novelist. The librarian was very thorough, and while using Novelist, she didn't just use it to look up some options for me, she also explained how the database worked and showed me how to access it with my library card! I found this to be really awesome! Her enthusiasm was obvious and I walked away with a new understanding of how to use a tool rather than just a new book to read. Using Novelist she searched for Gillian Flynn and we read through the list of related authors, and read through the descriptions of each one's work. At this point, we talked about the authors that sounded interesting to me based upon these descriptions and wrote down a list of possible options. She was very honest with me and told me that it might take reading a few book descriptions by these authors, as she felt that sometimes the Novelist author descriptions were spot on, but sometimes they were inaccurate. The librarian then took the list of authors that we compiled and cross checked them with the library's catalog to see which authors had works in the catalog, and in the library that day. This list included authors Erin Kelly, Andrew Klavan, Peter Abrahams, and Claudia Pineiro. At this point, the librarian actually did not suggest any single title, but instead told me where to find these works in the library and had me go look for books by these authors. Although it would have been nice to walk away with a book recommendation or to have been shown where these books were, it was a very busy day in the library, and there was a line of people behind me, and although these factors may have contributed to her not recommending a single book, I never felt like she wasn't giving the interaction her all, and walked away knowing about 4 new authors to explore!


  1. Sounds like a great experience! It is really awesome that she showed you how to use NoveList. I tend to find two or three titles I think a patron might like based on their interest and leave them to read through the descriptions to see if any of them sound like something they'd like. I then tell them if none of these sounds like something you want to read, let me know and we'll find something else. It feels pushy to just suggest one book. Maybe that should be included in the interview. Does the patron want to leave with a book, or would they rather have a choice of a few?

  2. Great experience! I like that she showed you how to use NoveList. It is sometimes extremely hard when you have a line of people to NOT feel pressured or rushed and I think that she did a great job by suggesting four authors. Everyone's individual preferences are different so being able to look at the books and read synopsis without having someone hovering over you would be the most helpful thing for me. I also tell a patron if none of those seem interesting to come back and we can explore further or I can put them on a computer to try Novelist themselves.

  3. I completely agree about just one book Tina! I want options to sort through so that I don't feel forced into the single book that you have decided is the right fit for me. I think that your method is perfect for that reason. And I think it is so important to ask ourselves if they are actually wanting a book in their hands or just some ideas to mull over and look into. I know that I am guilty of making the assumption that they want me to get them a book then and there.

    Jennifer it really was very positive and informative. I think that is an excellent way of going about it. Especially letting them know that they are always welcome to come back for more information but that you won't be breathing over their should if that was all that they needed.
