Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 13 Prompt

We should absolutely be working to ensure that Young Adult and Graphic Novels are carried by our libraries and respected as appropriate forms of reading, by any age. At my library, we embrace a love of these genres and proudly display and discuss both collections. However, we have only reached this point because several passionate librarians have made their voices heard at staff meetings, through emails, and during one on one meetings with those in charge of collection development. The tireless work of these librarians has resulted in a library wide love of YA and Graphic Novels, which is not only clear through our displays and RA interviews but also through our inclusion of these genres in our adult, teen and children's book clubs and our social media shares/discussions.

Currently, our adult books clubs (we have 2), are both reading the graphic novel, Maus, and it has been very interesting to collect feedback from our members regarding their reading experience with a graphic novel. Many had never before picked up a graphic novel, and although it was a bit of a foreign reading experience at first, many have been converted to loving this style of reading!

Next month we have a young adult novel on our list of voting options for the book club, and I am hoping that it will get picked so that I can garner some feedback from our members regarding that genre!


  1. That is great they you have a graphic novel being discussed in your book group. Your library reminds me of my library we too encourage graphic novels. I remember when I first came across a graphic novel. My boss, at the time, although the more traditional librarian, was supportive of graphic novels. I guess it helped that he has some Japanese heritage and on his trip to Japan he would bring graphic novels back. So we all thought they were cool except for the fact that we had to get used to the card pockets being in the front panel of the book versus the back since they are read backwards.

  2. That is great they you have a graphic novel being discussed in your book group. Your library reminds me of my library we too encourage graphic novels. I remember when I first came across a graphic novel. My boss, at the time, although the more traditional librarian, was supportive of graphic novels. I guess it helped that he has some Japanese heritage and on his trip to Japan he would bring graphic novels back. So we all thought they were cool except for the fact that we had to get used to the card pockets being in the front panel of the book versus the back since they are read backwards.

  3. That is so awesome that you guys are encouraging them as well! I still forget sometimes where the barcode to scan them in and out is. I'll be honest, my experience with reading them is still relatively low, but we have such a great selection that I have been working on taking them out and acclimating to them. I also have been suggesting them more and more to others, such as during our final project, and I was met with a lot of enthusiasm.

    I think encouraging reading Graphic Novels helps people to understand that we don't judge their reading and we won't tell them that there is a wrong way to read.
